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August 2007

1st Interview process begins.
2nd A very long day at Hot Milk.
3rd More Hot Milk.
4th Total lack of communication.
5th Taking a friendly ghost and the rest of the family to lunch.
6th Very busy and stressful day at work but smiling as thoughts of loved ones race around my head.
7th Time to raise IQ?
8th Can't go to work without a hug.
9th There can be only one.
10th Out for dinner.
11th Penguins.
12th Late night junk food and snuggling.
13th Feeling down and in a crappy mood.
14th Two bad backs are comforted with hugs.
15th 2% increase.
16th Not those chips, the other chips.
17th Waterbottles, pesky mums, zero balance and loving partners.
18th The front garden has been cleaned?? I never noticed.
19th Trying different things and getting new kitchen items.
20th Snuggling, dreaming, wanting, waiting.
21st More power to the REAL pc!
22nd Children and babies everywhere.
23rd Start of a long week.
24th New server.
25th Testing begins.
26th Late nights calls to the office are always fun at midnight.
27th Need to learn the basics of mind reading.
28th Little adults not wanting big adults to leave the house and want more and more hugs.
29th More lego and even more to come.
30th Received the best invitation in the world.
31st One more week of oncall.
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