Home - Wines - Months

May 2022

1st A relaxing, but long day, at the Home Show.
2nd This cough is lingering way too long.
3rd Searching for places to have the party.
4th Hard to find a place for the party.
5th Is it pizza times yet.
6th The 16POE switch died, sad day. Ordered a 48 port to replace it.
7th Getting the network back up mostly with cables all over the place then dinner with mum
8th Move work on the new switch and cleaning up the rack and a relaxing dinner with the family.
9th Selling off some stocks to cover a few bills.
10th A bunch of new cables to finish off the rack.
11th A quick chat with a financial planner.
12th Juggling some cash for a bit until next month.
13th More training of the new guys.
14th No calls for the overseas on call.
15th Fixing up Enterprise.
16th Another day dealing with hospitals.
17th Chatting with Google support to keep the legacy suite.
18th Ranting at work.
19th Want to get rid of these dizzy spells.
20th Another sore back day.
21st On call for exams and no calls coming in.
22nd A relaxing walk around a garden.
23rd Cough is slowly going away.
24th Crazy day on phones dealing with lots of broken systems.
25th Were is the pizza?
26th Killing with an update the UNVR and setting up again.
27th After work drinks and dinner.
28th Relaxing and sleeping.
29th Trying to get some cash from the ATM it took the card.
30th Swapping out the USB in the UNVR.
31st Is this half way?
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