Home - Wines - Months

April 2023

1st Tetris.
2nd The last of Friends.....again :)
3rd Damnit, machine unlocked means I get to buy donuts for the team.
4th Overtime.
5th Pay delayed, can't remember if that has ever happend before.
6th Donuts and cookies for the team.
7th Tired and sleeping most of the day.
8th Birthday catchup with Sue.
9th Playing with Evie and dinner with the family.
10th Couch day.
11th Locking down a few things and tidying up device names.
12th Setting up the VPN.
13th Breaking DNS is always fun.
14th Removing A records for RFC1918 IPs from public DNS.
15th Firewalling Inter-VLAN is not as easy as I thought.
16th Lunch with the family.
17th Breaking Bond1 and going back to Bond0.
18th Zev not responding again, picking up a switched PDU to help with remote power cycles.
19th Morning run to Aldi to pick up several months supply of coffee on bulk discount.
20th A fun day at the zoo with the girls.
21st Is it pizza tie yet?
22nd Playing around with the PDU and etherwake.
23rd Sunday lunch with Jamie, Hannah and the rest of the family.
24th Need to figure out the WOL and power boot up settings for the desktop.
25th Relaxing day catching up with family in Ocean Grove.
26th EOI for the Tech Eng team looks interesting.
27th Applied for the role, now to wait and see what happens.
28th Friday night drinks after work.
29th Slept the day away.
30th Another day of doing nothing.
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