Home - Wines - Months

January 2024

1st Tired and sore with lots of Voltaren on my back.
2nd Hit hard with 1000+ calls on the desk for the day.
3rd A bit better but still hundreads of calls.
4th Getting back into the green.
5th Dropping a quick couple of kgs is always a good thing.
6th A hot day driving around in 35°C picking up a bookcase for Sophie.
7th Catching up with familily for coffee and muffins.
8th Calming down on the phones.
9th Playing around with the new Kaspersky app.
10th Need to figure out how to delete symlinks.
11th Simple enough to delete the links when you are pointing to the correct directory.
12th Air con in both cars needing to get looked at.
13th A day walking around Peter Shaw's garden.
14th Sleeping, relaxing, cleaning, the merry-go-round continues.
15th Another crazy day taking lots of calls.
16th Morning off then prep medical telehealth to sort out some meds.
17th Looking at air con places.
18th Getting Erryn ready.
19th A morning at the hospital.
20th No sleep and worrying.
21st Getting better and Erryn might be home early.
22nd Picking up Erryn early.
23rd Nursing at home.
24th Resting.
25th Planning day is always fun.
26th Dinner with the family and catching up with Missy.
27th Airport run to pickup the J, K and the girls.
28th Way too sore to do anything today.
29th Not getting better.
30th Back into hospital.
31st Getting better.
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